Saturday, September 18, 2010

An Angel In My Bed...

...for 14 years!!  Karin and I just celebrated another anniversary.  Our next one is in November.  Yeah, we have two per year!  When we were dating and planning a wedding she lived in Torrance and my home was in Corona.  She worked in Culver City and I worked in Cerritos.  We both went to church in Long Beach.  The travel time was getting obnoxious and expensive (got a ticket going over 100 mph).  So, we eloped in September and had a church wedding in November.  Two anniversary's.  I thank the Lord for my bride.  She is kind, gentle, funny, compassionate, romantic, patient, giving, a great cook and generously understands my need to have "man time".  She doesn't nag, bicker, hold grudges, or want to control me.  She's a good mother and probably the the most loving grandmother in the world.  The best thing about Karin?  She's the most passionate Gospelot I've ever known.  No one loves Jesus like Karin.  I love her and everything about her.  There's been an angel in my bed for 14yrs.  I'm a "lucky" man.

~ A. Gospelot