Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Your Kids Never Really "Grow Up"...

I am the proud father of three beautiful daughters.  We had a lot of fun when they were little, and we still do.  Each one is special in their own wonderful way and I am proud of each one.  Collectively they have gifted me with eight grandkids and they are a joy, (when they're not doing something to make me crazy - which seems to become more frequent with time.  Honestly, I don't know if they're getting worse or I'm just getting nuttier!).  We try to get everyone in one place at one time once a year for a few days.  There are seventeen of us so that's no easy task (thanks Kim)!!  We just had our Family Fest 2010 and it was a great time.  Swimming, eating, golf cart rides, walks together, board games and, of course, sun-burning.  We have a wonderful family.  Not long ago I was at home home alone at 9:00 PM settling into a wonderful evening with Lawrence Welk when I got a cell phone call from my youngest, "Dad, I'm at Jessica's (middle daughter) and we need you to make a 'wings and yogurt' run - and hurry because they close at 9:30!"  And, of course, I "fly" and I "buy".  I said "absolutely not!", but I knew right away that I would deliver the goods.  I guess I really don't want them to ever "grow up"  if it means they'll stop calling, raiding my change drawer, eating my groceries, and letting me ALWAYS "pick up the tab" (I guess that goes for my ornery, hooligan, grandkids too). 

~A. Gospelot