Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Passion For Christ...

It was a painful movie to watch.  I saw it with Karin at the theater.  It was packed.  Gasps and sniffles could be heard from every direction.  When we left the theater it was a somber mood.  Very little conversation.  One thing for sure, no one who saw the movie ever thought of Jesus the same again - whether they believed Jesus was the resurrected Christ, or not.  Everyone was moved by Mel Gibson's "Passion of The Christ" 

This is "Passion Week."  A time we focus on the final week of Jesus' physical ministry on earth.  There was the Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem and multitudes cheered, "Hosanna in the highest". Within a week the same crowd jeered, "crucify him!"

I am continually amazed that, whether cheered or jeered, Jesus "soldiered on."   How that Jesus is missional, men are moody.  How Jesus was driven by the Father's will, and how I am too often driven by whimsy.  How about you?

How should I respond to Christ's "Passion?"  My prayer is that the Holy Spirit will move me from whimsy to willful in my walk with Christ.  To be absolutely resolved that, whether "cheered or jeered" by this world, I will stay focused on God's will and purpose for my life.

His Passion was to DIE in my place.  My passion is to LIVE for His glory.

"Lord Jesus, I am grateful for your selfless sacrifice.  You have become my Savior.  Please help me become Your servant."  Amen        

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Being A "Gospelot"...

Okay, I gave in. All my coolest friends have a blog, and now I do too. Welcome to GOSPELOTIC (more on that later). But, truth is I didn't need a blog to be cool because I've been cool since before Bill Gates launched DOS, seriously.

Here's some really cool stuff about my life (don't be hatin')...

  • My job: I help earthbound spirits prepare for eternity by introducing them to the Creator who loves them.
  • My wife: Karin is a beautiful and talented comedian, communicator, and now author.
  • My family: A seriously dedicated mom, three beautiful daughters, three ugly son-in-laws, and eight brilliant grand kids (so far).
  • My abilities: Teacher, musician (drums/guitar), and other secret ninja stuff.
  • My travels: Nearly half of USA (including Hawaii), Canada, three African countries (and counting), Germany, England, Scotland, and France.
  • More: I have 2 large tattoos, was in the Army, been on Safari, I've been scuba diving, flew 10,000 ft in a helicopter, and I am good friends with one of the most legendary musicians of our time who's played on over 300 gold records (seriously!).
All very cool, right? But the coolest thing about me isn't about ME at all. It's not WHO I am, but WHO'S I am...and I belong to Jesus Christ...God the Son.

But please - don't call me a "Christian," because that term has lost it's original meaning. No, I am a's like a "patriot" (patri, "of our fathers", -ot, "of a mindset or condition") only for the gospel (or "good news") of Jesus Christ. Why? Good question!

Here are a few reasons...
  1. Jesus left eternity and wrote Himself into human history to show me the love of God.
  2. Jesus took my sin upon His perfect life to the cross where He died and settled my "sin debt" to God - IN FULL!!
  3. Jesus came out of the grave proving that His death in my place was acceptable to God.
  4. Jesus offered me His Name and gave me His very Spirit as a "down-payment" for a promised eternity with Him when my life here is finished.
  5. Jesus has given me purpose in this life: Trusting me with a partnership to do "His stuff."
If you know Jesus, you know what I mean. And if you don't know Him, why not? Re-read #1-5 above...He did all that for YOU too, just ask Him!! That's why I'm GOSPELOTIC (like patriotic, only for Jesus) my very bones.

~A. Gospelot (For Christ)