Thursday, April 28, 2011

Jim and Karin's Big Adventure!

The plans and arrangements have been made and tomorrow...I'm leaving!  California has been my home since Lyndon B. Johnson was president (1965).  I went to high school here; got saved here; met my first, second, and third wives here; entered and returned from the Army here; raised my 3 girls here; bought my first home here; planted and grew a church here; and lived a LOT of life here.  But tomorrow I fly out of HERE and take up a new residence Tennessee.  And, starting tomorrow, a whole new book will begin in the ongoing life saga of The Blythe's.  Karin is going to be an author and I am going to make wood instruments.  I will also be pastoring a little church called Gallatin Free Methodist Church in a little town called Gallatin, Tennessee (20 min northeast of Nashville).  I'm 55 and life is just beginning, again!  It's going to be a big adventure.